Sports & Activities
ISH offers an extensive after-school activities and athletics program (ASA) for grades K-12. Lower school (grades K-5) students can take part in maximum of 4 activities per season, only 3 for kindergarten. Middle (grades 6–8) and high school (grades 9-12) can also choose a maximum of 4 options per season as long as they are not involved with more than two events with travel outside of Finland. In order for an activity to run within the program, there needs to be a minimum of 10 students with an exception for kindergarten and a few CEESA events which have limited sizes.

The program is divided into three activities seasons; autumn, winter and spring. The seasons are split according to the weather conditions and various CEESA, Nordic & other international events in which our middle and high school students have a possibility to take part in. The program does not run during half days or holidays. There is no ASA program during the last week prior to the seasonal holidays in December, week between winter and spring season in March or last two weeks of the school year.
All students are required to register to the ASA program due to insurance and liability reasons. Lower school students register for each season separately, while middle and high school students register for all 3 seasons and events already at the beginning of the school year. We will inform the community via Managebac and Wilma, when the online registrations system opens. There is a separate online registration form for lower, middle and high school students. Fill in the online registration form carefully and click send. You will receive a confirmation email for your registration.

The ASA participation fees can be found on the online registration forms. Some choices are more expensive than others due to the number and duration of practices, cost of outside school facilities or specialists. The invoices are posted home by the schools business office two weeks after the season start of each season and no cancellations are possible after this time period. If the payment has not been received by the business office before the deadline, parents will be sent a notice and if necessary a student may be withdrawn from the club or team. All students who take part in the ASA program are insured through the schools insurance company.
Middle and high school students have a possibility to take part in a variety of Central and Eastern Schools Association (CEESA), Nordic International Schools (NORDIC) and other international events throughout the school year. Registration for all of these events takes place in August and is included in the online registration forms. Students who take part in CEESA events are required to house visiting students when ISH hosts an event. Parents will receive separate information emails regarding all of the events which their child has registered for, trip payments and possible selection process. All trips will be invoiced separately 6-8 weeks prior to travel.

If you have any questions regarding the ASA program or various events, please contact us. Thank you! |
- Mr. Jonne Karanko (Upper School ASA Coordinator)
Email: activities@ishelsinki.fi
- Mr. Josh Prebble and Mr. Chess Gunderson (Lower School ASA Coordinators)
Email: LowerschoolASA@ishelsinki.fi