School Accreditations
Good schools go through external health checks that we call accreditations. These involve detailed examination of all aspects of a school’s practice by outside, qualified professionals. The process starts with school reflection and reporting on different criteria for school quality. Then we host accreditation teams who work with us to understand what where we are doing well and where we need to continue to develop. We then received detailed reports on our progress and recommendations. We were awarded re-accreditation and re-authoirzation in November 2020. ISH is accredited by three independent bodies:

The International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) provides the three curriculum frameworks that guide learning at our School – the PYP, MYP and DP. The IBO accreditation process is focused on teaching and learning and ensures that our practices follow those recommended by this organisation. Further information about our curriculum can be found elsewhere on this website.

The New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) is the United States’ regional accreditation association providing educational accreditation for all levels of education, from pre-kindergarten to the doctoral level, in the six-state New England region. It also provides accreditation for some international schools, particularly at the elementary and secondary levels. Founded in 1885, it is the oldest of the regional accreditors in the United States.

The Council of International Schools (CIS) is an international, non-profit educational organisation. Core service areas are School Support and Evaluation, Educator Recruitment, and Higher Education. CIS membership comprises more than 680 primary and secondary schools, 490 higher education colleges and universities, and represents 109 countries. All members must demonstrate a fundamental commitment to providing students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to pursue their lives as global citizens.